A Little Square (aka House Party)

Duke Alexander (USA) - March 2015
House Party - Sam Hunt

Side Behind and Heel and Cross , Side Behind and Heel and Cross (12 o’clock)
1-2Step RF side right LF behind RF
&3&4Step on RF extend LF heel , step on LF cross RF over LF with wieght
5-6Step LF side left RF behind LF
&7&8Step on LF extend RF heel , Step on RF cross LF over RF with weight

Rock FWD, Recover, Shuffle ½ , Boogie walk L , Boogie walk R.. Wiggling Hips ( Finishes 6 o’clock )
1-2Rock RF fwd , recover back onto LF, (6 o’clock)
3&4½ Turn Shuffle Right , RLR
5&6Step on LF wiggling hips LRL ,
7&8Step on RF wiggling RLR

Rock Side , Recover , Left Sailor , ¼ Right Sailor , Step Right ½ Pivot ( Finishes 9 o’clock )
1-2Rock Side LF , Recover to RF ,
3&4Left Sailor step LRL
5&6¼ Turn Right Sailor RLR , (3 o’clock )
7- 8Step LF Forward Pivot ½ right onto RF (9 o’clock )

Left Wizard , Right Wizard , Rock , Recover , Left Coaster
1 2&Step L Forward at an Angle to the Left , Lock Step Right Behind LF, Step Onto RF
3 4&Step RF Forward at an Angle to the Right , Lock Step LF Behind RF, Step Onto RF
5-6Rock LF forward , Recover onto RF
7&8Left coaster L,R,L


Contact: doubledeedancers@yahoo.com

Last Update - 13th May 2015