Crash and Burn

Jordan Hunt (USA) - July 2015
Crash and Burn - Thomas Rhett

Lock steps
1-2Step right diagonally forward, lock left knee behind right
3-4Step right diagonally forward, scuff left next to right
5-6Step left diagonally forward, lock right knee behind left
7-8Step left diagonally forward, touch right next to left

Zig zag back
1-2Travel back on right, touch left next to right
3-4Travel back on left, touch right next to left
5-6Travel back on right, touch left next to right
7-8Travel back on left, touch right next to left

Rocking chair, half turn pivots
1-2Rock weight forward on right, recover on left
3-4Rock weight back on right, recover on left
5-6Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn on left
7-8Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn on left.

Grapevine right, turning grapevine left
1-2Step right foot to right, step left behind right
3-4Step right foot to right, touch left next to right
5-6Step left foot to left, ½ turn left step right foot to right
7-8½ turn to left step left foot left, ¼ turn left scuff right foot next to left

Repeat dance.

Last Update - 13th July 2015