Undress Rehearsal

Dan Moon (USA), Alfredo Vilano (USA) & Kaylie Schultz - March 2017
Undress Rehearsal - Timeflies

Knee dip, sailor, sway, triple
1, 2 -L knee dip in, knee out quarter turn left
3&4Sailor step LRL w/ quarter turn left
5, 6 -hip sway right quarter turn right
7&8 -triple back LRL (with accentuated knee pop)

Walk, body roll, cross, heel swivels
1, 2 -Walk back R, L
3, 4 -step back right with a body roll to distribute weight (left foot should be forward, knee up, weight on right, left toe down)
&5, 6 -And cross, clap (change weight onto left, cross right in front of left, clap)
7&8 -2 Heel swivels right to 1/2 turn over your left

Jump (drop), slide, big hip sways
1, 2 -jump forward (optional - girls can drop it)
3,4 -slide back diagonal right, dragging left foot
5, 6, 7, 8 -two booty sways 1/2 over your left shoulder

Walk point, triple, body sway/roll
1, 2 -step forward R, point L out
3, 4 -step forward L, point R out
5&6 -triple RLR
7, 8 -step out left, sway body out to in

Thank you very much!

Contact: dmoon.hereami@gmail.com

Last Update – 7th Nov. 2017