Mountain Mary

Beginner / Improver
John "Grrowler" Rowell (UK) - October 2017
Mountain Mary - Dr. Hook

Count In : 0 seconds, 16 counts, 7 seconds

Rotation: N/A
Numbers in square brackets [ ] indicate facing wall. Start facing [12]

(1-8) Right “K” Step
1-2Step right forward to right to right diagonal, touch left next to right [12]
3-4Step left backward to left diagonal, touch right next to left [12]
5-6Step right backward to right diagonal, touch left next to right [12]
7-8Step left forward to left diagonal, touch right next to left [12]

(9-16) Right Vine With Half Turn, Left Vine With Brush
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right [12]
3-4Step right quarter turn right, brush left forward [3]
5-6Turn quarter turn right stepping left to left side, step right behind left [6]
7-8Step left to left side, brush right forward [6]

(17-24) Vine Quarter Turn – Touch, Slow Coaster Step - Brush
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right [6]
3-4Turn quarter right stepping right forward, touch left next to right [3]
5-6Step left back, step right next to left [3]
7-8Step left forward, brush right forward [3]

(25-32) Right Rocking Chair, Step-Quarter Pivot, Stomp-Stomp
1-2Rock forward on right, recover on left [3]
3-4Rock back on right, recover on left [3]
5-6Step forward right, pivot quarter turn left [6]
7-8Stomp right next to left twice (no weight) [6]

Start again………………with a BIG smile

At the end of wall 5 (facing back) [6]
At the end of wall 8 (facing front) [12]
Dance the first 8 counts (K Step) and then restart the dance.

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