Old Flames

Wil Bos (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - December 2012
Old Flames Can't Hold a Candle to You - Kesha : (Album: Deconstructed)

Start after 24 counts on vocals

S1: Waltz Steps In A ½ Circle Diamond Pattern
1-3LF step fwd on diagonal [1.30], RF 1/8 left and step side [12], LF 1/8 left and step back [10.30]
4-6RF step back, LF 1/8 left and step side [9], RF 1/8 left and step fwd [7.30]

S2: Waltz Steps In A ½ Circle Diamond Pattern
1-3LF step fwd, RF 1/8 left and step side [6], LF 1/8 left and step back [4.30]
4-6RF step back, LF 1/8 left and step side [3], RF 1/8 left and step fwd [1.30]

S3: Step Fwd, Kick Twice, Step Back, Rock Back, Recover
1-3LF step fwd, RF kick fwd, RF kick fwd
4-6RF step back, LF rock back, RF recover [1.30]

S4: Step Fwd, ½ Left Step Back R L R, Rock Back, Recover
1-3LF step fwd, RF ½ left and step back, LF step back [7.30]
4-6RF step back, LF rock back, RF recover

S5: Step Fwd, Point Side, Hold, Cross Behind, Point Side, Hold
1-3LF step fwd, RF point side, hold
4-6RF cross behind, LF point side, hold [7.30]

S6: Step Fwd, Step 1/8 Left Side, Step ½ Left Side, Weave Left
1-3LF step fwd, RF 1/8 left and step side, LF ½ left and step side [12]
4-6RF cross over, LF step side, RF cross behind [12]

S7: Step Side, Drag x2
1-3LF big step side, RF drag beside in 2 counts
4-6RF big step side, LF 1/8 right and drag beside in 2 counts [1.30]

S8: Step Fwd, Rock Fwd, Recover, Step Back, ½ Turn Left, Step Fwd
1-3LF step fwd, RF rock fwd, LF recover
4-6RF step back, LF ½ left and step fwd, RF step fwd [7.30]

Start again

Restart: Dance the 5th wall up to and including count 12 (count 6 of the second section) and restart the dance

Contact: DouBleYouB Line Dancers - www.wbos.nl - info@wbos.nl - mobile +31 653 53 18 23