Falling Rain

Juliet Lam (USA) - August 2014
Rhythm of the Rain - The Cascades : (Album: The Oldie Hits Vol 3 - 2011)

Intro: 16 counts, start on vocals

Sec 1: Rumba Box
1 - 4Step left forward, hold, step right to right side, step left next to right
5 - 8Step right back, hold, step left to left side, step right next to left

Sec 2: Side, Drag, Rock Back, Recover, 1/4 Right, Hold, Step, Pivot 1/2 Right
1 - 4Big step to left, drag right toward left, rock back on right, recover on left
5 - 6Make ¼ right, step right forward, hold (3:00)
7 - 8Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (9:00)

Sec 3: Forward Lock Step, 1/4 Left, Hitch, Forward Lock Step, 1/4 Right, Hitch
1 - 4Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, make ¼ turn left, hitch right (weight on left) (6:00)
5 - 8Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, make ¼ turn right, hitch left (weight on right) (9:00)

Sec 4: Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, Point
1 - 4Cross left over right, step right to side, step left behind right, sweep right from front to back
5 - 8Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, point left toe to side

Repeat & Enjoy

Contact: Juliet Lam, hsiaoll168@gmail.com