CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Nothin' Better

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Neville Fitzgerald (UK) & Julie Harris (UK) - September 2010
One In a Million - Ne-Yo
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Back, Back, 1/2, Right Lock Step, Rock Step, Sailor 1/2 Cross.
1-3Step back on Left, step back on Right, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward Left.
4&5Step forward on Right, lock Left behind Right, step forward on Right.
6-7Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
8&1Make 1/4 turn Left cross stepping Left behind Right, 1/4 Left stepping Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.

Full Turn Unwind, Right Shuffle, Cross, Side, Behind, 1/8, 1/8.
2-3Unwind full turn to the Right. (over 2 counts)
4&5Step forward on Right, step Left next to Right, step Forward on Right. **R**
6-7Cross step Left over Right, step Right to Right side.
8&1Preparing to turn cross step Left behind Right, making 1/8 turn to Left step back on Right, making 1/8 turn to Left step Left to Left side. (9:00)

Together, Step, Right Lock Step, Step, 3/4 Spiral, Chasse Right.
2-3Step Right next to Left, step forward on Left.
4&5Step forward on Right, lock Left behind, step forward on Right.
6-7Step forward Left, on ball of Left make 3/4 turn to Right. (Right will be slightly raised & slightly hooked across Left)
8&1Step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, step Right to Right side.

Cross Rock, Chasse 1/4, Step, 1/2, 3/4 Triple Cross.
2-3Cross rock Left over Right, recover on Right.
4&5Step Left to Left side, step Right next to left, make 1/4 turn Left stepping forward Left.
6-7Step forward on Right, make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back on Left. *R*
8&1Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping forward on Right, 1/4 turn Right stepping Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.

Side, Touch, Touch & Side/Sway, Sway, Sway, Drag & Cross.
2-3Step Left to Left side, touch Right next to Left.
4&5Touch Right to Right side. Touch Right next to Left, step Right to Right side swaying hips Right.
6-7Sway hips Left-Right.
8&1Drag Left in toward Right, step Left next to Right, cross step Right over Left.

1/4 Rock, Recover, Lock Step Back, Out, Out, Rock & Side.
2-3Make 1/4 turn Left rocking forward on Left, recover on Right.
4&5Step back on Left, lock Right over Left, step back on Left.
6-7Step Right to Right side, step Left to Left side.
8&1Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Left, step Right to Right side.

Rock & Side & Rock, Back Together Back, Back, 1/2, Step 1/2 Point.
&2&3Cross rock Left over Right, recover on Right, step Left to Left side, rock forward on Right.
4&5Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, step back on Left.
6-7Step back on Right, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left.
8&1Step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn to Left, point Right to Right side.

Sailor Full Turn & Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross, 1/4.
2&3Make 1/4 turn to Right cross stepping Right behind Left, 1/4 Right stepping Left next to Right, 1/4 Right stepping Right across Left.
&41/4 Right stepping Left next to Right, cross step Right over Left.
5-8Rock to Left side on Left, recover on Right stepping slightly back, cross step Left over Right, Make 1/4 turn Right Pressing forward on Right.

*R* Restart With Step Change Wall 2
Dance up to and including Count 6 (30) Section 4.. Then..
7-8Pivot 1/2 turn to Left, make 1/4 Left stepping Right to Right side… Then Restart dance from beginning…

**R** Restart With Step Change Wall 5
Dance up to and including Count 5 Section 2… Then…
6-8Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, drag Left back next to Right…. Then Restart dance from beginning…


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