Back Where I Belong

Silvia Schill (DE) - June 2019
Back Where I Belong - The Ranchhands

The dance begins with the vocals

Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Hold, Rock Back
1-2Step with RF to right - cross LF behind RF.
3-4Step with RF to right - cross LF over RF.
5-6Step with RF to right - hold.
7-8Step back with LF - weight back on RF

Rocking Chair, Step Pivot ½ R, Step, Touch
1-2Step forward with LF - weight back on RF
3-4Step back with LF - weight back on RF
5-6Step forward with LF - ½ turn right around on both bales, weight at end on the RF (6 o’clock)
7-8Step forward with LF - touch RF beside LF

Side, Close, Step, Touch, Side, Close, Back, Hitch
1-2Step with RF to right - LF beside RF
3-4Step forward with RF - touch LF beside RF
5-6Step with LF to left - RF beside LF
7-8Step back with LF - Raise right knee
Restart: In the 10th lap - direction 3 o'clock - stop here and start from the beginning; at '8': 'Touch RF beside LF'

Back, Hook, Step, Brush, Jazz Box Turning ¼ R with Cross
1-2Step back with RF - lift LF and cross in front of right shinbone
3-4Step forward with LF - swing RF forward.
5-6RF cross over LF - ¼ turn right around and step back with LF (9 o'clock)
7-8Step with RF to right - cross LF over RF

Repeat to the end

Tag (after the end of the 5th round - 9 o’clock)
Step, Touch/Clap, Back, Touch/Clap, Back, Touch/Clap, Step, Brush/Clap (K-Steps)
1-2Step diagonally right forward with RF - touch LF beside RF and clap
3-4Step diagonally left back with LF - touch RF beside LF and clap
5-6Step diagonally right back with RF - touch LF beside RF and clap

And don't forget to smile, because dancing is fun!
There is no guarantee for errors in the translation, content, spelling, etc.!