Country To The Bone

Britt Christoffersen (DK) - September 2014
Country Is as Country Does - Dolly Parton : (CD: Better Day)

** Dedicated to one of my best friends, Birgitte Simonsen. Happy 40th birthday **

Intro is 2 x 8 counts

S1: (JUMP) Back Rock, Stomp Up (x 2), Heel Hook Heel Flick
1-2-3-4(Jump) back rock on Right, recover onto Left, Stomp up Right x 2
5-6Tap Right heel forward to Right diagonal, touch Right toe across Left
7-8Tap Right heel forward, flick Right foot to the Right.

S2: Cross Rock, Step, Hitch (x 2)
1-2Cross rock Right over Left. Recover onto Left.
3-4Step Right forward. Hitch Left, turning towards Right diagonal.
5-6-7-8Cross rock Left over Right. Recover onto Right. Step Left forward. Hitch Right, squaring up to wall.
Tag/restart here on wall 3

S3: Step Hitch (x 2), Coasterstep, Hold
1-2-3-4Step Right foot forward, Hitch Left turning 1/2 Left. Step Left foot back. Hitch Right
5-6-7-8Step Right back, step Left beside Right, step Right forward, hold

S4: Stomp Swivels (X 2)
1-2Stomp diagonally forward on Left, swivel Right heel diagonally to Left.
3-4Swivel Right toe diagonally to Left, swivel Right heel diagonally to Left (weight on Left)
5-6Stomp diagonally forward on Right, swivel Left heel diagonally to Right.
7-8Swivel Left toe diagonally to Right, swivel Left heel diagonally to Right (weight on Right)
Tag/restart here on wall 6

S5: Side Together Side Kick Back Rock, Stomp (X 2)
1-2-3-4Step Left To Side, Step Right beside Left, Step Left to side, Kick Right forward
5-6-7-8(Jump) Rock back on Right, recover onto Left, stomp Right twice beside Left

S6: Step 1/4 Cross, Hold, Side Kick, Side Kick
1-2-3-4Step Right forward, turn 1/4 Left stepping Left to side, Cross Right over Left, Hold
5-6-7-8Step Left to Left, kick Right diagonally Left, Step Right to Right, kick Left diagonally Right

S7: Side Rock Cross, Hold, Toe Heel Touches or Dwight.
1-4Rock Left to Left side, recover Right, cross step Left over Right, hold
5-6Touch Right toe to Left instep. Touch Right heel to Left instep,
7-8Touch Right toe to Left instep. Touch Right heel to Left instep.
Note: You can make steps 5 - 8 into a Dwight move by travelling to Right

S8: Side Rock, Back Rock, Forward Touch, Back Kick
1-4Rock Right to Right side, recover on Left. Rock back on Right, recover on Left
5-8Step Right forward. Touch Left behind Right. Step Left back. Kick Right forward.
Restart here on wall 7

S9: Reverse Rocking chair
1-4Rock back on Right, recover onto Left, Rock forward on Right, recover on Left

Tag: wall 3 after 16 counts
1-2Step Right heel diagonally forward Right, Step Left heel diagonally forward Left
3-4Step Right diagonally back in place, Step Left diagonally back in place

Tag: wall 6 after 32 counts
1-2Step Left heel diagonally forward Left, Step Right heel diagonally forward
3-4Right Step Left diagonally back in place, Hold

Ending: on wall 11 (06:00)Dance the first 12 count then do:
1-2Make a 1/4 turn Right touch Left toe to Left, make a 1/4 turn Right touch Left toe to Left
3-4Step forward on Left, touch Right toe to Right side
