BB 2000

Roy Verdonk (NL) & José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) - November 2014
Looking for a Fox - Blues Brothers 2000 soundtrack

Intro : 32 counts: : Restart: wall 3 after 32 counts

Heel Tap (2X ), Weave, Kick/Ball/Cross, Rock/Recover
1-2Rf tap heel on floor, Rf tap heel on floor (weight remains on Lf)
3&4Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step left ( & ), Rf cross in front of Lf
5&6Lf kick diagonally forward left, Lf step together(&) , Rf cross in front of Lf
7-8Lf rock left, recover onto Rf

Weave, Step, Hold, 1/2 turn L, Hold, Step 1/2 Turn L
1&2Lf cross behind Rf, Rf step right ( & ), Lf cross in front of Rf
3-4Rf step right, hold
5-6make 1/2 turn left stepping Lf to left, hold (06.00)
7-8Rf step forward, make 1/2 left stepping Lf forward ( 12.00 )

Shuffle Forward R, Press L Forward, Hold, Hip Rolls (2X)
1&2Rf step forward, Lf step together ( & ), Rf step forward
3-4Lf press ball of foot forward into floor, hold
5-6roll hips CCW
7-8roll hips CCW ( finish weight on Rf )

Toe/Heel Struts Back (2X ), Rock/Recover, Shuffle Forward L
1-2Lf touch toes back, Lf lower heel into floor
3-4Rf touch toes back, Rf lower heel into floor
5-6Lf rock back, recover onto Rf
7&8Lf step forward, Rf step together ( & ), Lf step forward *
* Restart the dance here in wall 3

Out/Out, Shuffle R, Out/Out, Shuffle L
1-2Rf step right, Lf step left
3&4Rf step right, Lf step together ( & ), Rf step right
5-6Lf step left, Rf step right
7&8Lf step left, Rf step together ( & ), Lf step left
(optional arm movement: when moving to right, right hand is up in a "claw" position to right side and left hand is underneath right hand in "claw" position.
Same thing when moving to the left, but then left hand will be up to left. )

Jazzbox With 1/4 Turn R (2X )
1-2Rf cross in front of Lf, Lf step back
3-4make 1/4 turn right stepping Rf right, Lf step forward (3.00 )
5-6Rf cross in front of Lf, Lf step back
7-8make 1/4 turn right stepping Rf right, Lf step forward (6.00 )