The Last Waltz

Beginner waltz
Christa Klaasenbos (NL) - December 2014
Last Cheaters Waltz - T.G. Sheppard

Walk L.R. L.R. L.R ½ left
1-2-3L.V walk ¼ turn left L.R.L
4-5-6R.V walk ¼ turn left R.L.R

½ turn left , basic step back
1-2-3L.V step forw. – ½ turn left - L.V step back
4-5-6R.V basic step back

¼ turn left , basic step back
1-2-3L.V step forw. R.V ¼ turn lest, L.V step beside R.V
4-5-6R.V basic step back

Twinkle left – twinkle right
1-2-3L.V twinkle
4-5-6R.V twinkle

Box step forw. , box step back
1-2-3L.V step forw. , R.V step right , L.V step beside R.V
4-5-6R.V step back , L.V step left , R.V step beside L.V

Box step ¼ left, box step back
1-2-3L.V step ¼ left , R.V step right , L.V step beside R.V
4-5-6R.V step back , L.V step left , R.V step beside L.V
Restart on walls 4 and 7

¼ turn left – vine
1-2-3L.V step forw. R.V step forw. ¼ turn left
4-5-6R.V cross over L.V ,L.V step left , R.V step behind L.V

Rock step – ¼ turn left – ½ turn left
1-2-3L.V rock left, recover on R.v, L.V cross over R.V
4-5-3R.V ¼ turn left, L.V ½ turn left , R.V step forw.

Restart on wall 4 / 12 o clock, and wall 7 / 6 o clock on count 36.
