What A Feeling!

Jan Wyllie (AUS) - January 2015
What a Feeling - DJ Bobo & Irene Cara

# 32 count intro, No Tags Or Restarts

Step Fwd Together Clap Clap Walk Fwd RL Kick Kick
1,2Step/Jump fwd on R, Step L beside R
3,4Clap hands twice
5,6Walk fwd RL
7,8Kick R leg fwd twice

Back Touch Fwd Kick Back Touch Fwd Touch
9,10Step back on R, Touch L beside R
11,12Step fwd on L, Kick R fwd
13,14Step back on R, Touch L beside R
15,16Step fwd on L, Touch R beside L

Side Together Side Touch Side Together Side Touch
17,18Step R to right, Step L beside R
19,20Step R to right, Touch L beside R
21,22Step L to left, Step R beside L
23,24Step L to left, Touch R beside L
(More experienced dancers can turn on these steps)

4 Heel Struts Making 1/2 Turn Right
The following 4 heel struts will take you in a 1/2 turn right. It is not a tight turn, more like an arc, and you will then face the back wall to start the dance again
25,26Making 1/8 right (right corner) step R heel fwd, Drop R foot
27,28Making 1/8 right (side wall) step L heel fwd, Drop L foot
29,30Making 1/8 right (back left corner) step R heel fwd, Drop R foot
31,32Making 1/8 right (back wall) step L heel fwd, Drop L foot

This is a dance for new comers to line dancing.
I hope you find that line dancing makes you feel terrific…
There’s nothing quite like it to give you a real buzz..

See you on the floor sometime.... Jan

Contact - Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/