Sugar Sugar

Elisa Lau (CAN) - January 2015
Sugar Sugar - The Archies : (Album: The Archies)

Intro: 16 counts

Section 1: R Side Shuffle, L Back Rock, Recover, L Side Shuffle, R Back Rock, Recover.
1&2Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right,
3,4Rock left behind right, recover on right.
5&6Step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left,
7,8Rock right behind left, recover on left.

Section 2: R Side, Tap L Diagonal, L Side, Tap R Diagonal, R Jazz Box.
1-4Step right to right, tap left toe to left diagonal, step left to left, tap right toe to right diagonal.
5-8Cross right over left, step left back, step right back, step left forward.

Section 3: R Forward Shuffle, L Forward, Pivot 1/2 Turn R, L Forward Rock, Recover, L Behind, Side, Cross.
1&2Step right forward, step left behind right, step right forward.
3,4Step left forward, pivot 1/2 turning R.
5,6Rock left forward, recover on right.
7&8Sweep left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right.

Section 4: R Side Rock, Recover, R Behind, 1/4 Turn L, R Forward, L Side, Hold(Clap Hands), Together, Side, Touch R(Clap Hands).
1,2Rock right to right side, recover on left,
3&4Step right behind left, step left forward turning 1/4 L, step right forward.
5,6&Step left to left, hold with clapping hands, step right next to left.
7,8Step left to left, touch right next to left with clapping hands.