Amarillo Sky

Teri Rogers (USA) - May 2015
Amarillo Sky - Jason Aldean

Start on Lyrics - No Tags or Restarts

S1: Toe, heel, step, R & L, Toe Switches R L R, Clap x 2
1&2Right Toe, heel, step
3&4Left Toe, heel, step
5&6&Point R toe to R side, Step R next to L, Point L toe to L side, Step L next to R
7&8Point R toe to R side, Clap, Clap

S2: Kick-Ball-Change R x 2, Side Rock Right, Behind Side Front
1&2Kick R foot forward, Step on ball of R, Step on L
3&4Kick R foot forward, Step on ball of R, Step on L
5-6Rock R to R side, Recover L
7&8Cross R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L

S3: Left Side Rock, Behind Turn Right Step Forward, Shuffle Forward Right and Left
1-2Rock L to L side, Recover R,
3&4Step L behind R, Turning ¼ R step R forward, Step L forward
5&6Shuffle Forward R-L-R
7&8Shuffle Forward L-R-L

S4: Rock Forward, Recover, Hip Bumps Back R & L Rock Back, Recover
1-2Rock Forward on R, Recover L,
3&4Step Back on R angling to 1:00 bumping hips back, front, back
5&6Step Back on L angling to 11:00 bumping hips back, front, back
7-8Rock back R, recover L

S5: Rumba Box Back R, Rumba Box Forward L, Step back with clap x 3, Step
1&2Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step back R
3&4Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step forward L
5&6&Step back on R, Clap, Step back on L, Clap
7&8Step back on R, Clap, Step back on L

Start Again

Contact ~ Teri Rogers Email: or
Address: 1400 E. Mt. Charleston Dr. S. Pahrump, NV 775-764-0006