Sugar Baby

Mayee Lee (MY) - June 2015
Sugar - Maroon 5 : (3:55)

Intro: Start after 16 counts or start on 0.08 seconds

Sec 1 : R Forward, Hold, L On Ball, R Forward, L Forward, Spiral Full Turn R, R Side, L Side
12 &34Step R forward(1), hold(2), step L behind R(&), step R forward(3), step L forward(4)
5 – 8Spiral full turn R & weight on L(5-6), rock R to R(7), recover on L(8) 12.00

Sec 2 :Bump R L R, Together, R Side, Touch L Behind, ¼ L Forward, ¼ L Side, L Back, R Side
1&2 &34Bump hip to R L R(1&2), step L beside R(&), step R to R(3), touch L behind R(4)
5 – 8¼ turn L step L forward(5)(9.00), ¼ turn L step R to R(6)(6.00), step L behind R(7), step R to R(8) 6.00

Sec 3 : L Kick Ball Cross (x2), L Side, Touch R Forward, Touch R Back, ½ Turn R
1&2 3&4Kick L(1), L on ball(&), cross R over L(2) Twice
5 – 8Step L to L(5), touch R forward(6), touch R back(7), ½ turn R step on R(8) 12.00

Sec 4 : Nightclub Step L & R, L Side, Together, Toe Fan Swivel
12& 34&Step L to L(1), step R behind L(2), recover on L(&), step R to R(3), step L behind R(4), recover on R(&)
56 &7&8Step L to L(5), step R beside L(6), weight on R heel/twist L toe to R(&), return to center(7), weight on L heel/twist R toe to L(&), return to centre(8) 12.00

Sec 5 : R Touch Forward With Chest Bump, Touch R Back, ¼ Turn R, L Forward, ¼ Turn R, L Cross Shuffle
1&2 34Touch R forward bump chest forward(1), bump chest back(&), bump chest forward(2), touch R back(3), ¼ turn R step on R(4)(3.00) 3.00
56 7&8Step L forward(5), ¼ turn R step on R(6)(6.00), Cross L(7), step R to R(&), Cross L(8) 6.00

Set 6 : R Side, Recover L, Together, L Side, Touch R, R Side, Drag & Touch L, Cross R, L Back, R Behind
12 &34Rock R to R(1), recover on L(2), step R beside L(&), step L to L(3), touch R beside L(4)
56 &7&Step R to R(5), drag L to R(6), L on ball(&), cross R(7), step L to L(&) *Restart Wall 5
8Step R behind L(8) 6.00

Set 7 : ¼ Turn L Forward, Recover R, L Forward, ¼ Turn R, L Forward, Charleston Step With Swivel
1 – 4¼ turn L rock L forward(1)(3.00), recover on R(2), rock L forward(3), ¼ turn R recover on R(4) 6.00
5 6&7&8Step L forward(5), touch R forward with both heels in(6), both heels out(&), step R back with both heels in(7), both heels out(&), touch L back(8) 6.00

Set 8 : ¼ Turn R Chug x2, L Kick Ball Touch, R Forward, ½ Turn L With Bounce
12 3&4Chug on L with ¼ turn R twice & weight on R(1-2)(12.00), kick L forward(3), step L down(&), touch R to R(4) 12.00
5 – 8Step R forward(5), bounce with ½ turn L & shift weight to L(6-8) 6.00

Restart: During wall 5 (12.00), dance after 47& counts, touch R beside L instead of step R behind L & Restart facing 6.00

Ending : wall 8 (6.00), dance 16 counts & pose
