Stay The Night

M. Vasquez (UK) - August 2015
Stay the Night - George Ducas : (Album: Where I Stand)

Dance starts on the word ‘Every’

Section 1: Grapevine Right and Brush, Jazz Box, Touch
1-4Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, brush left foot across right.
5-8Cross left foot over right, step back on right, step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot

Section 2: Back Rock, Recover, Triple ½ Turn, Rock Back, Recover, Triple ½ Turn
1-4Rock back on right foot, recover forward on left. Triple step in place turning ½ left, stepping right, left, right.
5-8Rock back on left foot, recover forward on right. Triple step in place turning ½ right, stepping left, right, left.

Section 3: Back Rock, Recover, Step, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Recover
1-4Rock back on right foot, recover forward on left. Step forward on right foot and ¼ turn left.
5&6Cross right foot over left, step left foot slightly to left side (on &), cross right foot over left.
7-8Step left foot to left side, transferring weight to left, recover back onto the right.

Section 4: Left Sailor Step, Back Rock, Recover, Step and Pivot ½ Turn Twice
1&2Step left foot behind right, step right to right side, step left in place.
3-4Rock back on right foot, recover forward on left
5-6Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left
7-8Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left

Section 5: Forward Rock, Recover, Back Shuffle, Back Rock, Recover, Forward Shuffle
1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover back on left
3&4Step back on right, step left next to right, step back on right
5-6Rock back on left foot, recover forward on right
7&8Step forward on left, step right next to left, step forward on left

Section 6: Heel, Hold, Close, Heel, Hold, Close, Touch Heel, Touch Toe, Slap Foot, ¼ Turn Hitch
1-2Touch right heel forward and hold for one count
&Step right foot next to left
3-4Touch left heel forward and hold for one count
&Step left foot next to right
5-6Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back
7-8Bring right foot to back of left knee, slapping foot with left hand. On ball of left foot, pivot ¼ turn left hitching right knee

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