Just In Case

Alison Johnstone (AUS), David Hoyn (AUS) & Adeline Cheng (MY) - August 2015
Just In Case - The Forester Sisters : (iTunes)

Tags: Very easy Tags end walls 1, 2 & 3

Start: On Vocals (16 counts into track)

(1-8) Walk, Walk, Lock Step Fwd, Rock Fwd, Recover, ¾ Shuffle Over L (3.00)
1 2Walk fwd R, Walk Fwd L
3&4Step fwd R, Lock L behind, Step fwd R (R lock step)
5, 6Rock fwd L, Recover R
7&8Step ¼ L onto L, Step R together ¼ over L (&), Step ¼ L onto L, ( ¾ L shuffle over L) (3.00)

(9-16) Syncopated Rocks – Fwd, Recover (&), Side, Recover (&), Back, Recover (&), Step, Walk x 4 Making a ½ Semi Circle Over Left (9.00)
1&2&Rock fwd on R, Recover L (&), Rock Side on R, Recover L (&)
3&4Rock back on R, Recover L (&), Step R beside L
5,6,7,8Walk making a semi-circle ½ turn over L stepping L, R, L, R (9.00)

(17-24) Step L Drag, Touch R, R Coaster Step, Step L ½ Turn, L Coaster Step (3.00)
1 2Step L to L side dragging R to L, Touch R beside L.
3&4Step back R, Step L beside R (&), Step fwd R (Coaster Step)
5 6Step L fwd making ½ Turn Left, Step back R (3,00)
7&8Step back L, Step R Beside L (&), Step fwd L (Coaster Step)

(25-32) Step Fwd R Pivot ½ L, R Shuffle Fwd, Cross L Over R, L Coaster Step (9.00)
1 2Step fwd R, Pivot ½ turn L (9.00)
3&4Step fwd on R, L (&),R (Shuffle)
5 6Cross L over R, Step back on R
7&8Step back L, Step R beside L (&), Step fwd L. (Coaster Step) (9,00)

***Tags End Of wall 1 and wall 3 add Right Kick ball change

End of wall 2 add a 4 counts Right Rocking Chair***


** Dedicated to Prishanthini Manoharan who gave us this great country track – Thank You! **

Hope you enjoy

Contacts: alison@nulinedance.com - davidh@nulinedance.com