Lay Down Beside Me

Improver waltz
Mike Stringer (UK) - October 2015
Lay Down Beside Me - Nathan Carter : (Album: Time Of My Life)

Section 1: 2x Half Turn forward
1Step left forward turning ¼ over left shoulder
2Step right forward turning ¼ over left shoulder
3Step left foot together (6 o’clock)
4Step right foot back turning ¼ over left shoulder
5Step left foot forward turning ¼ over left shoulder
6Step right foot together (12 o’clock)

Section 2: Basic forward, back ¼ turn
1Step left foot forward
2Step right foot next to left
3Step left foot next to right ( 12 o’clock)
4Step right foot back turning ¼ over left shoulder
5Step left foot marginally out to left side
6Step right foot in place (9 o’clock)

Section 3: Twinkle, Twinkle ½ turn
1Cross left foot over right
2Step right foot next to left
3Step left foot next to right (9 o’clock)
4Cross right foot over left
5Step left foot back turning ¼ over right shoulder
6Step right foot forward turning ¼ over right shoulder (3 o’clock)

Section 4: Weave, Hip sway x3
1Cross left foot over right
2Step right foot to the right side
3Step left foot behind right (3 o’clock)
4Step right to right side swaying hips to the right
5Sway hips to the left
6Sway hips to the right putting weight on right (3 o’clock)

Section 5: Forward ½ turn, Basic back
1Step left foot forward turning ¼ over left shoulder
2Step right foot forward turning ¼ over left shoulder
3Step left foot together ( 9 o’clock )
4Step right foot back
5Step left foot together
6Step right foot together ( 9 o’clock)

Section 6: Forward ¼ turn, weave
1Step left foot forward
2Step right foot next to left turning1/4 over left shoulder
3Step left foot next to right (6 o’clock)
4Cross right foot over left
5Step left foot to left side
6Cross right foot behind left (69 o’clock)

Section 7: Rock ¼ turn, Cross rock, side
1Rock left foot out to left side
2Recover weight onto right turning ¼ over right shoulder
3Step left foot slightly forward (9 o’clock)
4Cross rock right foot over left
5Recover weight onto left
6Step right foot to right side

Section 8: Forward, point, hold, back, point, hold
1Step left foot forward
2Point right foot out to right side
3Hold for one count (9 o’clock)
4Step right foot back
5Point left foot to left side
6Hold for one count

Section 9: Forward ¼ turn, Basic back
1Step left foot forward turning ¼ over left shoulder
2Step right foot next to left
3Step left foot next to right (6 o’clock)
4Step right foot back
5Step left foot next to right
6Step right foot next to left (6 o’clock)

TAG: There is one 3 count Tag at the end of wall 2 facing 12 o’clock.
You will finish the dance with a basic back,
Then tap left heel in place three times whilst clicking fingers on right hand,
Then begin dance again from count 1
