
Low Intermediate
Kat Painter (USA) - December 2015
Shut Up and Fish - Maddie & Tae

** 2nd place winner 2016 World Country Dance Championships Int/Adv Country Choreography

Dance starts after 32 counts

Walk, Walk, Shuffle Forward, Rock, Recover, Back, ½ Turn Hook
1,2,3&4Step Rt foot fwd, Step Lt foot fwd, Step Rt foot fwd, Step Lt foot next to Rt foot, Step Rt foot fwd
5,6,7,8Step Lt foot fwd, Step Rt foot in place, Step Lt foot back, Turn ½ Rt hooking Rt foot over Lt knee
(end facing 6:00)
Styling option: Instead of the hook, a half turn spiral keeping the Rt toe on the floor can be done on count 8
** RESTART HERE on walls 5 and 9

Shuffle Fwd, Cross Samba ¼, Forward, ¼ Side, ¼ Coaster Step
1&2Step Rt foot fwd, Step Lt foot next to Rt foot, Step Rt foot fwd
3&4Cross Lt foot over Rt, Step Rt foot slightly to side, Turn ¼ Lt stepping Lt foot fwd (3:00)
5,6Step Rt foot fwd, ¼ turn Rt stepping Lt foot to side (6:00)
7&8Turn ¼ Rt stepping Rt foot back (9:00), Step Lt foot next to Rt foot, Step Rt foot fwd

Forward, ½ Turn Hitch, Back, Drag, Coaster Step, Kick-Ball-Step
1,2,3,4Step Lt foot fwd, Turn ½ Rt hitching Rt knee up (3:00), Big step back w/ Rt foot, Drag Lt heel to Rt foot
5&6Step Lt foot back, Step Rt foot next to Lt foot, Step Lt foot fwd
7&8Kick Rt foot fwd, Step Rt foot next to Lt foot, Step Lt foot forward

¼ Monterey Turn, Full Monterey Turn
1,2,3,4Touch Rt toe to Rt side, On ball of Lt foot turn ¼ Rt and step Rt foot next to Lt foot (6:00), Touch Lt toe to Lt side, Step Lt foot next to Rt foot
5,6,7,8Touch Rt toe to Rt side, On ball of left foot make 1 full turn Rt and step Rt foot next to left (6:00), Touch Lt toe to Lt side, Step Lt foot next to Rt foot
Easy Modification: On count 6, take out the full turn and step Rt next to Lt.

** TAG HERE at the end of wall 10 - 2 ct hip roll Rt, Lt
Begin Again
