Baila mi Rumba EZ

Katrin Gäbler (DE) - March 2016
Baila Mi Rumba - Foncho

Intro: 64 Counts

[1-8] Walk Fwd R+L+R, Kick & Clap, Walk Back L+R+L, Touch & Clap
1-4Step fwd on r + l +r, kick left fwd & clap
5-8Step back on l +r +l, touch right next to left & clap

[9-16] Side, Together, Side, Touch Fwd, Side, Touch Fwd, Side, Touch Fwd
1-4Step right to right, close left next to right, step right to right, touch left fwd
5-8Step left to left & bend knees, straighten up and touch right fwd, step right to right & bend knees, straighten up and touch left fwd

[17-24] Side, Together, Side, Touch, Step, 1/8 Turn Left x2
1-4Step left to left, close right next to left, step left to left, touch right next to left
5-8Step right fwd, 1/8 turn left on both feet, step right fwd, 1/8 turn left on both feet (9.00)
Note: use your hips in the turns

[25-32] Rocking Chair, Jazz Box with Step Fwd
1-4Rock fwd on right, recover weight on left, rock back on right, recover weight on left
5-8Cross right over left, step left back, step right to right, step left fwd