Breakfast In Bed

Jessica Boström (SWE) - October 2016
Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur : (Album: Back From The Edge - iTunes)

Intro: 16 counts, approx 10 secs.

S1: Rock. Recover. Behind Turn Step. Hold. Ballstep. Rock. Recover.
1 - 2Press R forward on Right diagonal. Recover on to L. (1.30)
3 & 4Step R back slightly behind L, Make 1/2 turn Left stepping forward on L, step forward on R. (7.30)
5 &6Hold. Step L next to R, step forward on R.
7 - 8Rock forward on L. Recover on to R. (7.30)

S2: Shuffle turn. Forward Shuffle. Sweep. Sweep. Coaster Cross.
1 & 2Make 1/4 turn Left stepping L to Left side, step R next to L, make 1/4 Left stepping forward on L. (1.30)
3 & 4Step R Forward, step L next to R, step R Forward.
5 - 6Make 1/2 turn Right stepping back on L as you sweep R from front to back. Step back on R as you sweep L from front to back. (7.30)
7 & 8Step Back on L, step R next to L, cross L over R. (Squaring up to 6.00)

S3: 1/4. 1/4. Chassé turn. Hold. Ball Side. Rock. Sweep.
1 - 2Make 1/4 turn Right crossing R over L. (9.00) Make 1/4 Right stepping back on L. (12.00)
3 & 4Make 1/4 turn Right stepping R to Right side, step L next to R, Step R to Right side. (3.00)
5 &6Hold. Step L next R, step R to Right side.
7 - 8Cross rock L over R. Recover on to R as you sweep L from front to back. (3.00)

S4: Coaster Step. Kick Ball Step. Step Pivot. Turning Back Lock Sweep.
1 & 2Step back on L, step R next to L, step forward on R.
3 & 4Kick R forward, step R next to L, step forward on L.
5 - 6Step forward on R. Pivot 1/2 turn left. (9.00)
7 & 8Make 1/4 turn Left stepping R to Right side, make 1/4 Left crossing L over R, step back on R as you sweep L from front to back. (3.00)

S5: Behind. 1/4. 1/4. Point. 1/4. Side Rock Cross Shuffle.
1 - 2Step L behind R. Make 1/4 Right stepping forward on R. (6.00)
3 - 4Make 1/4 turn Right stepping L to Left side. Point R to Right side as you look Left over your L shoulder. (9.00)
5Make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on R. (12.00)
6 & 7Make 1/4 turn Right as you siderock L to Left side, recover on to R, cross L over R. (3.00)
& 8Step R slightly to Right side, cross L over R. (3.00)

S6: Side. Rock. Sailor Step. Rock. Recover. Side. Point.
1 - 2Rock R to Right side, recover on to L.
3 & 4Cross step R behind L, step L to Left side, make 1/8 turn Left stepping forward on R. (1.30)
5 - 6Rock forward on L. recover on to R.
7 - 8Make 1/4 Left stepping L to Left side. Point R to Right Side. (10:30) ** Restart here on Wall 2 & 4 **
( Arm movements for 5,6,7,8: On Count 5 as you rock forward bring both arms out and forward and towards each other, you now have a circle shape as if you are starting to hug someone. On Count 6 as you recover bring both arms in close to your chest, now crossing one over the other. Like you have just hugged someone and pulled her/him closer to your chest. Over counts 7, 8 you extend both arms out to the side. Angling body towards 12.00 ish but looking at 1.30 )

S7: Step, 1/2 , Shuffle Turn, Cross Samba, Cross Samba.
1 - 2Make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on R. (1.30) Make 1/2 turn Right stepping back on L. (7.30)
3 & 4Make 1/4 turn Right stepping R to Right side, step L next to R, make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on R. (1.30)
5 & 6Cross left over right, step right slightly to right side, recover weight onto left. (1.30)
7 & 8Cross right over left, step left slightly to left side, recover weight onto right squaring up to 3.00.

S8: Cross Rock, Triple Turn, Jazz box.
1 - 2Cross rock L over R, recover on to R. (3.00)
3 & 4Make 3/4 triple turn Left in a circle shape stepping L, R, L. (6.00)
5 - 8Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to Right side, cross L over R. (6.00)

** 2 Restarts after 48 Counts. On Wall 2 facing 6.00. On Wall 4 facing 12.00. **
