Killing Me Softly (Bachata)

High Beginner
Suci Hariyati (INA) - January 2017
Killing Me Softly/Matándome Suavemente (feat. Wyclef Jean) - Rebecca Kingsley

Start to dance after 56 counts. - No Tag, No Restart

1-2-3-4 Step RF forward, step LF forward, step RF forward, touch LF slightly behind bumping hip to L
5-6-7-8 Step LF touchdown, step RF backward, step LF backward, touch RF slightly forward bumping hip to R

1-2-3-4 Step RF forward, step LF forward, step RF forward, LF kick point
5-6-7-8 Step LF backward, step RF backward, step LF backward, RF kick point

1-2-3-4Step RF to R, LF close beside RF, step RF to R, touch LF slightly opened bumping hip to L
5-6-7-8Step LF to L, RF close beside LF, step LF to L, touch RF slightly opened bumping hip to R

1-2-3-4Sway to R, hip action to R, sway to L, hip action to L
5-6-7-8Step RF forward, touch LF slightly behind bumping hip to L, step LF touchdown, touch RF slightly forward bumping hip to R

1-2-3-4Paddle turn quarter left with hiproll (2x)
5-6-7-8Cross RF over LF, step back LF, step RF to R, LF cross over RF

1-2-3-4Step RF to R, touch LF slightly opened bumping hip to L, step LF touchdown, step RF crossback LF
5-6-7-8Step LF to L, touch RF slightly opened bumping hip to R, RF cross over LF, unwind
