Jigsaw Heart

M. Vasquez (UK) - March 2017
Piece By Piece - Kelly Clarkson

Dance starts one beat before main vocal

Section 1: Rock, Recover, Coaster Step, Step, 1/2Turn, Shuffle
1-2Step/Rock forward on R, recover back on L
3&4Step back on R, step L next to R, step forward on R
5-6Step forward on L, pivot ½ turn R
7&8Step forward on L, step R next to L, step forward on L

Section 2: Step, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn, Back and Side, Shuffle
1-2Step forward on R and pivot ¼ turn L
3&4Step R across L, step L to L side, step R across L
5-6Turning ¼ turn R step back on L, step R foot to R side
7&8Step forward on L, step R next to L, step forward on L

Section 3: Touch, Clap, Step, Heel, Clap, Weave, Point
1-2Touch R heel forward, clap
&3-4Step forward on L, touch R heel forward, clap
5-6Step R across L, step L to L side
7-8Step R behind L, point L to L side

Section 4: Cross, ¼ Turn, Back and Side, Step, Pivot ½, Pivot ½, Touch
1-2Step L across R, turning ¼ turn L, step back on R
3-4Step L foot to L side, step forward on R
5-6Pivot ½ turn L, step forward on R
7-8Pivot ½ turn L, touch R heel forward to the R diagonal

Section 5: Hook, Touch, Kick, Rock Back, Recover, Step, Flick and Slap, Recover Back
1-2Bring R heel up to L knee, touch R heel forward to the R diagonal
3-4Kick R foot forward, step/rock back on R
5-6Recover forward on L, step forward on R
7-8Bring L foot behind R knee and slap foot with R hand, step back on L

Contact: matt.vasquez@rocketmail.com