Good Woman

Phrased Advanced
Christa Thomas (USA) - June 2017
Good Woman - La'Porsha Renae

Dance begins on 1st beat
Sequence: A, B, TAG, A,*A, B, A,*A,*A*
*On walls marked with an asterisk turn ¼ turn left to start the dance on the proper wall ie front or back alternated. Dance ends with ¼ turn left to face the front wall.

Part A - 32 Counts
A[1-8] Rock, 1/4 turn, ½ sweep, full turn, rock, rec, run back, rock, ¼ hitch
1,2,3R rock right side (1), L recover ¼ turn left (2), R step forward whilst sweeping L ½ turn right (3) (3:00)
4&a,5L step forward (4), R step back ½ turn left (&), L step forward ½ turn left (a), R rock forward (5)
6&a7,8L recover (6), step back R-L (&a), R rock back (7), L spin ¼ turn left whilst hitching R (8) (12:00)

A[9-16] Sweep, Twinkle, Sweep , twinkle, Twinkle ½ turn, twinkle forward, Sweeps back
1,2&aR cross over L while sweeping L forward (1), L cross over R (2), R step back (&), L step slightly to side (a)
3,4&a5,6R cross over L while sweeping L forward (3), L cross over R (4), R step back (&), L step slightly to side (a)
5&aR cross over L (5), L step back ¼ turn right (&), R step forward ¼ turn R (a)
6&aL step forward (6), R step together with L (&), L step in place (a)
7,8Right step back whilst sweeping L back (7) L step back whilst sweeping R sweep back (8) (6:00)

A[17-25] Back, point, ¼ turn, Full turn twinkle, ½ Spin, step, ½ rock, rec, full turn, sweep
a1,2R rock back (a), point L forward (1), L step forward whilst spinning ¼ turn left and hitching R (2) (3:00)
3&aR step forward (3) , L step back ½ turn right (&), R step together with L (a) (9:00)
4&aL step back (4), R step forward ½ turn right (&), L step together with R (a) (3:00)
5,6a7R step forward whilst spinning ½ turn R and hitching L (5), L step forward (6), R step back ½ turn left (a), L rock step back (7)
8aR recover forward spinning ½ turn right(8), L step together with R spinning ½ turn right (a)
1R step forward while sweeping L forward (1)

A[26-32] Walk fwd, press, recover, back, rock, recover ½ turn, back, rock
2,3L cross step forward dragging R forward (2), R cross step forward dragging L forward (3)
4L press step forward extending left arm forward (4),
5a6R recover (5), L step back (a), R rock step back (6)
7a8L recover (7), R step back ½ turn left (a), L rock back (8) (9:00)

Part B – 16 Counts
B[1-8] ½ Twinkle, ½ twinkle, ¼ sweep, cross, 1/2 turn, sway, sway, sway, ¼ hitch
1&aR step forward (1), L step back ½ turn right (&), R step together with L (a)
2&aL step back (2) , R step forward ½ turn right (&), L step together with R (a) (9:00)
3R step forward spinning ¼ turn right and sweeping L forward (3)(12:00)
4aL cross over R (4), R step back ½ turn left (a) (6:00)
5,6,7L step side swaying shoulders left (5), sway right (6), sway left (7)
8Sway right spinning ¼ turn right and sweeping L (9:00)

B[9-16] Cross, rocks, step, touch, back, touch, ½Turn, rock, ¼ Sweep, step
1&a2&aL cross over R (1), R rock side (&), L recover (a), R cross over L (2), L rock side (&), R recover (a)
3&aL step forward (3), touch R behind L (&), hold (a)
4&aR step back (4), L touch forward (&), hold (a)
5a6L step forward (5), R step back ½ turn left (a), L rock step back (6) (3:00)
7,8R step forward spinning ¼ turn right (7), L step side (8) (6:00)

1Sway R to right side while looking to right with left arm extended down to side
2Sway L to left side while drawing R in to L looking left and drawing back of left hand to forehead

