Rockin' 'n' Reelin's Alright

Easy Intermediate
Kim Lillskog (SWE) - August 2017
Rockin' n' Reelin - Ted Gärdestad : (Album: Droppar av solregn)

Intro 32 counts
Restart on wall 3 after count 60

[1- 8] Toe strut x2, Kick, Step, Kick, Step
1-4Touch R toe fwd, Step on R, Touch L toe fwd, Step on L
5-8Kick R, Step R fwd, Kick L, Step L fwd

[9-16] Rock ½ turn R, Scuff, Lock step fwd, Hold
1-4Rock fwd on R, Recover onto L, turn ½ R stepping fwd on R, Scuff L fwd
5-8Step L fwd, Lock R behind L, Step L fwd, Hold

[17-24] Step ½ turn L, Step ¼ turn L, Step, Sweep, Step, Sweep
1-4Step R fwd, Turn ½ L stepping L fwd, Step R fwd, Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side
5-8Cross R over L, Sweep L from back to front, Cross L over R, Sweep R from back to front

[25-32] Jazz box, Slide R, Hold, Back rock
1-4Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to R side, Cross L over R
5-8Step R to side, Hold, Rock L back, Recover onto R

[33-40] Point, Touch, Side, Hold, Back rock, Side, Hold
1-4Point L to L side, Touch L next to R, Step L to L side, Hold
5-8Rock R back, Recover onto L, Step R to R side, Hold

[41-48] Behind, Side, Cross, Hold, Rock ¼ turn L, Step, Hold
1-4Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R, Hold
5-8Side rock R, Recover onto R turning ¼ L, Step R fwd, Hold

[49-56] Full turn R, Step, Hold, Heel grind ¼ turn, Back rock
1-4Turn ½ R step back on L, Turn ½ R step fwd on R, Step fwd L, Hold
5-8Step fwd on R heel, Turn ¼ R stepping back on L, Rock R back, Recover onto L

[57-64] Toe, Heel, Flick, Step x2
1-4Touch R toe next to L, Touch R heel next to L, Flick R back, Step R fwd
(Restart here on wall 3. You will be facing your 3 o’clock wall: Instead of stepping forward on right on count 4, scuff your right foot forward to begin again)
5-8Touch L toe next to R, Touch L heel next to R, Flick L back, Step L fwd

Start again

Ending on wall 7: Don’t turn on the heel grind, stay facing the front doing the back rock and the first toe, heel, flick ending the dance on the step forward.
