Found Someone

High Intermediate NC
Paul O'Connor (UK) - August 2017
I Finally Found Someone - Barbra Streisand & Bryan Adams

Intro: 16 counts.

Restart after section 3 on wall 4.

Step, rock ½ turn, ½ turn hitch, cross, side behind side, rock ¼ turn.
1.Step forward on left.
2&3.Rock forward on right, recover on left, ½ turn right stepping right forward.
4-5.½ turn right hitching left, cross step left over right.
6&7.Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side.
8&1.Rock left foot behind right, recover on right, step left ¼ turn left.

Cross, 1/8 back , back, back, 1/8 side 1/8 forward onto left. Press, recover hitch, 1/8 right step right side, step left next to right.
2&3.Cross right over left, 1/8 turn right step back on left, step back on right.
4&5.Step back on left, 1/8 turn right step right to side, 1/8 turn right stepping left forward.
6&7.Rock right forward, recover on left hitching right, 1/8 turn right step right to side.
8.Step left next to right.

Cross, 1/8 turn, ½ turn, triple turn right stepping L,R,L, press, recover, 1/8 turn right, touch.
1 2&.Cross right over left, 1/8 turn right step back on left, ½ turn right step right forward.
3&4.Full turn right stepping L-R-L.
5-6.Press right forward across left, recover on left.
7-8. 1/8 turn right step right big step to right, touch left next to right.
Note; Restart here on wall 4.

Step, step ¾ side, behind, ¼ turn, full spiral, 3 x walks R-L-R.
1.Step left forward.
2&3.Step right forward, ¾ turn left step right to right side.
4&5.Step left behind right, ¼ turn right onto right, step left forward as u spiral full turn right.
6-7-8.Walk forward R-L-R.

End of dance, enjoy

Last Update - 11th Sept 2017