You Can Count on Me

Easy Intermediate
Kathryn Hammond (AUS) & Kelvin Dale (AUS) - August 2017
Count On Me - Judah Kelly : (3:00)

Starts 48 counts in (on the word ‘but’), Weight on right

[1 – 6] Half waltz back, half waltz back (12.00)
1,2,3Step L back, turning 180deg right step R forward, step L beside R
4,5,6Step R forward, turning 180deg right step L back, step R beside L

[7-12] Back, point, hold, sailor waltz (12.00)
1,2,3Step L back, point R to right side, hold
4,5,6Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R beside L

[13-18] Behind, ¼, ½ , half waltz forward (3.00)
1,2,3Step L behind R, turning 90deg right step right forward, turning 180deg right step L back
4,5,6Turning 180deg right step R forward, step L beside R, step R beside L

[19-24] Back, sweep, hold, behind, ¼, ½ (6.00)
1,2,3Step L back, sweep R to side for 2 counts
4,5,6Step R behind L, turning 90deg left, step L forward, turning 180deg left step R back

[25-30] Back, sweep, sweep, back, sweep, sweep (6:00)
1,2,3Step L back, sweep R to side for two counts
4,5,6Step R back, sweep L to side for two counts

[31-36] Left sailor waltz, right sailor waltz* (6:00)
1,2,3Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L beside R
4,5,6Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R beside L

[37-42] Back, ¼, sweep, behind ¼ , together (6:00)
1,2,3Step L back, sweep R 90deg right for 2 counts
4,5,6Step R behind L, turning 90deg left step L forward, step R beside L

[43-48] ¼ , ¼ , ½, side drag, touch (6:00)
1,2,3Step L 90deg left, step R 90deg left, step L 180deg left
4,5,6,Step R to right side, drag L towards right for two counts

Alternate easier ending: Step left drag, step right drag
1,2,3Step L to left side, drag R beside L for two counts
4,5,6Step R to right side, drag L beside R for two counts


Restart at count 36 on walls 1, 4 and 6

Tag : 2 ½ count Tag at end of wall 2
Rock, replace, touch
1,2&Step L to left side, replace weight to R, drag/touch L beside R

KELVIN DALE – 0414 795 528
KATHRYN HAMMOND – 0402 219 272 -