Kill Of The Night

Easy Intermediate
Candee Seger (USA) - September 2017
Kill of the Night - Gin Wigmore : (Album: Gravel & Wine)

*Toe Struts R, L, Triple Right, Rock, Recover * (claps)
1,2 Step R Toe to R Diagonal (1), Step Down on R Heel (2) *Clap Clap (2&),
3,4 Cross L Toe over R (3), Step L Heel Down (4) *Clap(4)
5&6 Step R to R side (5), Step L next to R (&), Step R to R side (6) *Snap (6)
7,8 Rock L behind R (7), Recover R (8) *Snap (8)

Triple L, Rock, Recover, Step R, Swivel L Heel In, L Toe In, L Heel In
1&2 Step L to L (1), Step R next to L (&), Step L to L (2) *Snap (2)
3,4 Rock R behind L (3), Recover L (4) *Snap (4)
5,6 Step R to R side (5) Swivel L heel in toward RF (6) *Snap (6)
7,8 L toe in (7), L heel in (8) *Snap (8)

Grapevine R Figure Eight, 1/4 L
1,2 Step R to R side (1), Step L behind R (2)
3,4 Step R 1/4 R (3), Step L forward (4)
5,6 Pivot 1/2 R onto RF (5), Step L to L side, turning 1/4 R (6)
7,8 Step R behind L (7), Step L 1/4 L (8) 9:00
*Restart on Wall 2 (facing 6:00)
*Restart on Wall 5 (facing 9:00)
*Restart on Wall 10 (facing 6:00)

Kick R, Weave L w/Knee Pops, Rock Forward, Recover, Coaster Step
1,2Kick R forward (1), Cross R over L & pop L knee (2)
3,4 Step L to L side popping R knee (3), Step R behind L popping L knee (4)
5,6 Rock L Forward (5), Recover R (6)
7&8 Step L back (7), R back (&), Step L forward (8)

Tag 1: wall 3 (facing 3:00)
Stomp, Hip Roll
1,2,3,4 Stomp R next to L (1), Hold (2,3,4)
5,6,7,8 Roll Hips CCW in large circle

Triple Forward, R Rocking Chair, R Kick Ball Change
1&2 Step L Forward (1), Step R Forward (&), Step L Forward (2)
3,4 Rock R Forward (3), Recover L (4)
5,6 Rock R Back (5), Recover L (6)
7&8 Kick R Forward (7), Step R next to L (&), Step on LF (8)

Tag 2: Ending (facing 12:00)
Stomp, Hip Roll, Sway Hips R-L
1,2,3,4 Stomp R next to L (1), Hold (2,3,4)
5,6,7,8 Roll Hips in CCW large circle
1,2 Sway Hips R (1), Sway Hips L (2)

*Claps & Snaps: Optional