Play The Lead

High Beginner
Deanna Nemes (USA) - January 2018
I Got This - Jerrod Niemann

[1-8] Right Strut Circle, Left Strut Circle, Jump back, hip circle left to right
1-2Raise right toe circling right leg clockwise, snap heel down
3-4Raise left toe circling left leg counter clockwise, snap heel down
&5, 6jump back land right, then left, then clap
7-8Counterclockwise hip roll left to right

[9-16] Cross shuffle, side shuffle, slide left X2 w/ claps
9&10Cross right over left, step left to left, step right toward left
11&12Step left foot side left, step right next to left, step left foot side left
&13, 14Slide right foot to left, kick left foot out to left side, clap
&15, 16Slide right foot to left, kick left foot out to left side, clap while touching right foot to left
*Styling note: face body toward 10 o’clock for this pass

[17-24] ¼ Shuffle, ½ shuffle, touch right leg diagonal back, forward, back, brush right heel forward
17&18Step right ¼ turn to right, step left, step right (facing 3 o’clock wall)
19&20Continue turning ½ turn to right (facing 9 o’clock wall) stepping back on left foot, step right back , step left back
21-22Keep weight on left foot, touch right toe diagonal back - 2 o’clock (on this wall), touch right toe diagonal forward 8 o’clock (on this wall)
23-24Touch right toe diagonal back (2 o’clock), brush right heel forward

[25-32] Right lock step forward, left lock step forward (optional turn), right heel, ball change x2
25&26Step right heel diagonal right (10 o’clock), step left foot behind right, step forward on right
27&28Step left foot diagonal left (8 o’clock), step right foot behind left, step left foot forward
29&30Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left, step left foot next to right
21&32Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left, step left foot next to right

NO TAGS, NO RESTARTS, just get your groove on and smile!

Contact: if you have any questions!

Last Update - 13 Mar 2022