Olly's Swing

Intermediate / Advanced
Jesse Roth Eschbach (USA) - January 2018
Dance With Me Tonight - Olly Murs

Start 1 count before “My name is Olly,” (about 40 count intro)

S1: Angled Struts with Snaps(R,L,R,L)
*Start facing 1:30 with weight on left*
1, 2,3,4(towards 12:00) R cross toe-heel, L toe-heel, snaps on 2 &4
5,6,7,8R cross toe-heel, L toe-heel, snaps on 6 & 8

S2: Shuffle Right, Back Rock, Shuffle Left, Back Rock
1&2,3,4shuffle side R,L,R, rock back left, recover right
5&6,7,8shuffle side L,R,L, rock back right, recover left

S3: Three Step Turn (1¼), L Scuff, Step touch, Rock, Recover
1,2,3,4R foot step ¼ to the right, L foot step ½, R step ½(3:00)L scuff
5,6,7,8L step forward, touch R toe behind L, R rock back, recover

S4: R Pivot ½, Kick and step, 4 Swivel Walks (R,L,R,L)
1,2,3&4R step forward, pivot ½ (9:00), R kick, rock back, recover
5,6,7,8Walk forward R, L, R, L swiveling on toes

S5: Step Touch, Step Kick, R cross behind, L step ¼, R step ¼, L touch
1,2,3,4R step out, touch L, L step out, R kick out
5,6,7,8R cross behind, L step ¼ left (6:00), R step ¼ left(3:00), L touch
***Restart here on 4th wall, switching weight to L instead of L touch for 8.

S6: Step Touch (2xs), Left Grapevine with a Scuff
1,2,3,4L step out, R touch, R step out, L touch
5,6,7,8L step out, R behind, L step out, R heel scuff

S7: R Jazz box, Rock, Recover, Triple Half Turn
1,2,3,4R cross, L back, R step out, L forward
5,6,7&8R rock forward, recover, triple half turn RLR(9:00)

S8: Kick, Step back (2xs), Hip bumps, L step
1,2,3,4L kick forward, step back, r kick forward, step back
5,6,7,8bump right hip down, up, down, step forward L (angling 1/8 the right) REPEAT!!

Contact: jessroth@outlook.com

Last Update - 11th Jan. 2018