Praise Jesus

Low Intermediate
Mark Cosenza (USA) - March 2018
Hallelujah - The Refreshments

(1 – 8) Forward Strolls, 1/ 4 Pivot Forward Sailor
1 – 2Cross Forward Right, Hold and Swing Left Arm up Towards Right Shoulder
3 - 4Cross Forward Left, Hold and Swing Right Arm up Towards Left Shoulder
5, 6, 7, 8Pivoting ¼ L, Cross R over L, Step back L, Step side R, Hold

(9 - 16) Step Forward, Kick Forward, Cross Behind, Cross In Front
1 - 2Step L Forward Diagonal Right (facing diagonal right), Hold
3 – 4Kick R Forward Diagonal Right, Hold
5, 6, 7, 8Cross R behind L (squaring off to 9:00 wall), Step L side L, Cross R across L, Hold
Additional Styling Option: On Count 3 during the chorus when they sing “Hallelujah”, raise both hands in the air.

(17 – 24) Side Rock & Recover, Cross, Step, Cross, ½ Turn Twists
1 – 2Side Rock L, Recover R
3, 4, 5Cross L over R, Step R side R, Cross L over R
6, 7, 8Pivoting ½ R, Twist Heels L, R, L (Bending your knees slightly for style) – Shift your weight to the L foot

(25 – 32) Step Behind Tap, Recover Step & Swivet
1, 2, 3, 4Step R Fwd, Cross Tap L behind R, Step L Down, Step R Down
5, 6Hold, Swivet R: Weight on R Heel, Twist R Toes R & On Balls of L, Twist L Heel L
7, 8Center back and step down on both feet, Hold

(33 - 40) Diagonal Triples Forward To The Right and Forward To The Left
1, 2, 3, 4Moving diagonal right, Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R Forward, Hold
5, 6, 7, 8Moving diagonal left, Step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L Forward, Hold
(For additional styling, “shoop” your arms slightly up on the odd counts)

(41 - 48) Cross Rock ¼ Turn, Step ½ Turn
1, 2, 3, 4Cross Rock R over L, Recover L as you pivot ¼ Turn Right, Step Forward R, Hold
5, 6, 7, 8Step L Forward and Pivot ½ Turn Right, Step R, Step L Forward, Hold

(49 - 56) Side Rock & Recover, Cross, Step, Cross, ½ Turn Twists
1, 2, 3, 4Side Rock R, Recover L, Cross R over L, Hold
5, 6, 7, 8Pivoting ½ L, Twist Heels R, L, R (Bending your knees slightly for style) – Shift your weight to the right foot, Hold

(57 - 64) Kick Ball Step, Full Triple Forward
1, 2, 3, 4Kick L Forward, Step Down on L, Step Forward R, Hold
5, 6, 7Take a Large Step Side L, Slide R towards L

Ending: After Count 3 (Kick), Hold (4), then Step Back on R (5), Hold (6), Step back on L (7) and raise your arms in the air (8),

Begin Again

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