Jamaica Funk

Roland Ford - January 2012
Funkin' for Jamaica - Tom Browne

(1) Side Cross Side Tap, Side Cross Side Tap
1 - 8Step to the right, cross, side, tap, step left , cross, side, tap

(2) Tap Tap Slides
9 - 16Tap Right foot out in step to the right slide left foot up. Tap left foot out in step left and slide right foot up

(3) Right Strut Pivot Turn, Left Strut Pivot Quarter
17 - 24Right Heel Strut, Step left Pivot Half turn right. Left Heel Strut, Step Right Pivot Quarter Turn left

(4) Turns and Flicks
25 - 32Step onto right turning quarter left, flick left foot behind, step left, flick right, turn quarter left stepping on right, flick left, step left, flick right

(5) Rolling Grapevines
33 - 40Making a full turn to the right side step right, left, right tap and then roll back to the left stepping left right left tap.

(6) Right and left taps and walk back
41 - 48Tap Right toe forward twice and step back, tap left toe forward twice, step back left digging right heel, step back right digging left heel, and again stepping back left and right finishing with an and step onto left foot.

(7) Big steps forward and back with triple steps
49 - 56Big step forward on right foot, slide left foot up and cha cha cha right left right on the spot. Big step back with left, slide right up and cha cha cha on spot left right left.

(8) Sailor Steps
57 - 64Right sailor step, left sailor step making quarter turn left, right sailor and left sailor to finish
Then start Again

Last Update -12 July 2018
Submitted by - Theo Loyla: theoloyla@yahoo.co.uk