Try It, You'll Like It

Cindi Talbot (CAN) - December 2018
Texas Time - Keith Urban

Alt. music:-
I Like a Girl Who Likes To Truck by the Road Hammers
Boys Are Back In Town by the Busboys
Dance and Shout by Shaggy
Sister Kate by the Ditty Bops

Long step R, Swivel L to meet R/step slide/shuffle
1,2, 3&4&Long step R, swivel L, heel, toe heel toe heel , to meet R( wt on R)
5,6Take big step forward on L, slide R foot up behind left
7&8Left shuffle forward,LRL

Step R, 1/2Turn L/ shuffle R forward/ rocking chair
9,10Step forward on R, 1/2 turn Left , putting weight on L
11&12Shuffle forward RLR
13,14,15,16Rock forward on L, recover r, rock back L, recover R

Step touch/heel&heel&/step touch/heel step point
17,18Long step L, touch R beside L
19&20&Touch R heel forward, step R beside L, touch L heel forward, step L beside R
21,22Long step R, touch L beside R
23&24Touch L heel forward, step L beside R, touch R to to R side

Behind step/ cross&cross/rock 1/4 turn/ shuffle forward
25,26Step R behind L, step L to left
27&28Cross R over left, step left to left, cross R over L
29,30Rock L to left side, recover R making 1/4 turn R,
31&32Shuffle forward LRL
