Day of The Dead AB

Absolute Beginner
Susanne Oates (UK) - March 2019
Day of the Dead - Wade Bowen

#32 Count intro. from strong beat.

Forward. Together. Forward. Scuff. Forward. Together. Forward. Touch
1 2Step forward on right. Step left beside right.
3 4Step forward on right. Scuff left beside right.
5 6Step forward on left. Step right beside left.
7 8Step forward on left. Touch right beside left.

Back. Touch (with clap optional). X4
9 10Step back on right. Touch left beside right.
11 12Step back on left. Touch right beside left.
13 14Step back on right. Touch left beside right.
15 16Step back on left. Touch right beside left.
Side Strut. Cross Strut. Side Rock. Cross Strut.
17 18Step right toe to side. Drop heel to place.
19 20Step left toe across right. Drop heel to place.
21 22Rock right to side. Recover onto left.
23 24Step right toe across left. Drop heel to place.

Side Strut. Cross Strut. Side Rock ¼ Right. Step. Scuff
25 26Step left toe to side. Drop heel to place. .
27 28Step right toe across left. Drop heel to place.
29 30Rock left to side. Turn ¼ right, taking weight on right. (3o’clock)
31 32Step left forward. Scuff right beside left.