Sixteen (P)

Intermediate pattern partner circle
Barb Monroe (USA) & Dave Monroe (USA) - April 2019
Sixteen - Thomas Rhett

Start facing LOD in sweetheart position, footwork is the same except where noted

Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Shuffle, Walk, Walk (Lady turns)
1-2Walk forward R L
3&4Shuffle forward R L R
5&6Shuffle forward L R L
7-8Man: Walk forward R L (release lady’s L hand and bring R arm over lady’s head)
 Lady: Turn ½ turn L stepping R, Step back L (facing BLOD)

Rock, Recover, Coaster step, Shuffle, ¼ turn, ¼ turn
9-10Man: Rock forward R, Recover L (facing LOD)
 Lady: Rock back R, Recover L (facing BLOD)
11&12Man: Coaster Step R L R (rejoin hands in sweetheart position)
 Lady: (Chase turn) Step forward R, Turn ½ turn L stepping L, Step forward R (facing LOD)
13&14Shuffle forward L R L
15-16Step R turning ¼ L, Step back L turning ¼ L (facing BLOD)
(Arms 15 & 16: R arm goes over lady’s head, L hands stay connected in front of lady)

Step, ¼ turn, Cross shuffle, Step, ½ turn, Cross shuffle
17-18Step R back, Turn ¼ turn L stepping L (facing OLOD)
(Arms: release R hands, L arm goes over lady’s head, reconnect R hands at lady’s shoulder)
19&20Cross shuffle R over L (R L R)
21-22Step L, Turn ½ turn R stepping R (facing ILOD)
(Arms: release R hands and bring L arm over lady’s head, reconnect R hands after turn)
23&24Cross shuffle L over R (L R L)

Vine with ¼ turn, Rocking chair
25-28Step R side, Cross L behind R, Turn ¼ turn R stepping R, Step L forward (facing LOD)
29 -32Rock R forward, Recover L, Rock R back, Recover L

Begin again