This Is God's Country

Pam Wingo (USA) - May 2019
God's Country - Blake Shelton
Try That In A Small Town - Jason Aldean

Section 1: Step Lock Step, hold x 2:
1-4Step forward on R @ diagonal (1), step/slide L foot behind R (2), step forward on R and hold (3,4)
4-8Step forward on L @ diagonal (5), step/slide R foot behind L (6), step forward on L and hold (7,8)

Section 2: Mambo step, hold, sweep L, sweep R:
1-4Step forward on R (1), replace weight to L (2), step R foot next to L (3), hold
5-8Sweep L foot behind R, putting weight to L (5,6), sweep R foot behind L, putting weight to R (7,8)

Section 3: Step Lock Step w/hitch, Grapevine with ¼ hitch:
1-4Step forward on L (1), step/slide R foot behind L (2), step forward on L (3), hitch R knee up
5-8Step R foot to R (1), cross L behind R (2), step R foot to R (3), making a ¼ turn to left, hitching L knee (4)

Section 4: Step touch x 2, step lock step with scuff/brush:
1-4Step L foot forward (1), touch R toe behind L foot(2), step back on R foot (3), touch L foot in front of R (4)
5-8Step forward on L (5), step/slide R foot behind L (6), step forward on L (7), brush/scuff R foot (8)

Begin dance again!

Any questions, please contact me at:

Last Update - 22 July 2023