Little Help

Newcomer EC
Laura Kiehne (DE) & Ulrich Kiehne (DE) - August 2019
Little Help (feat. Mimi & Josy) - The BossHoss

Intro: 16 Counts

[1- 8] Chassé R, Backrock, Chassé L, Backrock
1 & 2Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side,
3-4Step left behind right, recover weight onto right
5 & 6Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
7-8Step right behind left, recover weight onto right

[9-16] Shuffle Forward, Step, ½ Turn Right, Shuffle Forward, Step, ½ Turn Left
1 & 2Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
3-4Step left forward, make a ½ turn right and recover weight forward onto right
5 & 6Step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward
7-8Step right forward, make a ½ turn left and recover weight forward onto left

[17-24] Heel Grind R, Coaster Step R, Heel Grind L, Coaster Step L
1-2Rock forward on R heel arcing toe out to side, return weight back onto left
3 & 4Step right forward, step left together with right, step right back
5-6Rock forward on L heel arcing toe out to side, return weight back onto right
7 & 8Step left forward, step right together with left, step left back

[25-32] Monterey Turn R, ½ , Rocking Chair
1-2Touch R, toe R, ½ turn R
3-4Touch L, toe L, step together
5-6Rock forward on right, rock back onto left
7-8Rock back on right, rock forward onto left

… start again

Tag: There is an 8 count Tag after Wall 4 (facing 12:00):
1- 8V-Steps (out out in in), Kick Ball change, Kick Ball change
1 & 2Small step right diagonal forward, small step left diagonal forward,
3-4Step right onto startposition, step left onto startposition
5 & 6Kick right forward, step ball of right foot back to place, step left in place
7 & 8Kick right forward, step ball of right foot back to place, step left in place
… then start again