Small Steps

Alexandra Schmitt (DE) - February 2020
Small Steps - Tom Gregory

The Dance starts after 32 counts. The first step is on the word “walk”.

S1: Mambo Forward, Mambo Back, Point, Cross, Touch-Heel-Stomp
1&2Step forward on R (1), recover on L (&), step back on R (2)
3&4Step back on L (3), recover on R (&), step forward on L (4)
5-6Point R to right (5), cross R over L (6)
7&8Touch L toe beside R (7), touch L heel beside R (&), stomp L forward (8)

S2: Shuffle Forward Turning ½ L, Coaster Step, Walk, Walk, Walk, Heel Swivel
1&2½ turn L stepping R (1), L (&), R (2) (6:00)
3&4Step back on L (3), step R next to L (&), step forward on L (4)
5-6-73 steps forward R (5), L (6), R (7)
&8Swivel both heels to the right side (&), swivel both heels back to center (8)

S3: Step-Touch Behind-Back-Kick, Coaster Step, Scuff, Shuffle Forward, Scuff, Mod. Jazz Box with Flick
1&Step forward on R (1), touch L behind R (&)
2&Step back on L (2), kick forward on R (&)
3&4&Step back on R (3), step L next to R (&), step forward on R (4), scuff L forward (&)
5&6&Step forward on L (5), step R next to L (&), step forward on L (6), scuff R forward (&)
7&8&Cross R over L (7) , step back on L (&), step R to right (8), flick L behind R knee (&)

S4: Side Shuffle L, ¾ Turn L/Chassé R, Coaster Step, Kick-Ball-Step
1&2Step L to left side (1), step R next to L (&), step L to left side (2)
3&4½ Turn L step R to right (3), step L next to R (&), ¼ turn L step back on R (4) (9:00)
5&6Step back on L (5), step R next to L (&), step forward on L (6)
7&8Kick forward on R (7), step R next to L (&) step forward on L (8)

Start again!