DDAKPUL - Trotline

Yoon Hee Jung (KOR) - April 2020
Glue Stick (딱풀) - Lee Chanwon (이찬원)

Dance begins on vocal - 1 Tag, Restart

Section 1: Stomp R, Heel, Toe, Heel, Stomp L, Heel, Toe, Heel
1-4Stomp R to R side, walk L foot in heel, toe, heel
5-8Stomp L to L side, walk R foot in heel, toe, heel

Section 2: Charleston ×2
1-4Step fw on R, kick fw L, step back on L, touch back on R
* Restart: here on wall 8 facing 9:00

Section 3: Side Touches
1-4Step R to R side, touch L next to R, step L to L side, touch R next to L
5-81/4 Turn R to R side, touch L next to R, step L to L side, touch R next to L

Section 4: Walk, Walk, Walk, Kick, Back, Back, Coaster step
1-4Fwd Walk R, L, R, kick fw L
5-8Back Walk L, R, step back on L, step next to R, step fw on L

Restart: On Wall 8 after count 16 counts facing 9:00

Tag: End of Wall 12
R Side, hold, L Hip bumps facing 9:00
1-8Step R to R side(1), hold(2)(3)(4), L hip bumps (5&)(6&)(7&)(8)
Start Again

Contact: yoonjjang68@hanmail.net