
Double Trouble (CAN) - August 2020
Cheers - Sacha

Start Dance on vocals 16 counts into the music based on music video.

[1-8] Side Right Touch left, Side Left Touch Right, Two steps to the right side with a Touch,Side Left Touch Right, Side Right Touch Left, Two steps to the left side with a touch.
1 & 2 &Step right foot to right side, touch left beside right, step left foot to left side, touch right beside left.
3 & 4 &Step right foot to right side step left foot beside right, step right foot to right side touch left beside right.
5& 6 &Step left foot to left side, touch right foot beside left, step right foot to right side, touch left foot beside right.
7 & 8 &Step left foot to left side, step right foot beside left, step left foot to left side, touch right beside left.
[9-16] Cross Rock Right Over Left Recover Right, Cross Rock Left over Right Recover Left, Step 1/8 turn to left, Step 1/8 turn Left.
1& 2Cross rock right over left, quickly step onto left, recover onto right.
3 & 4Cross rock left foot over right, quickly step onto right step recover onto left. .
5 – 8step right foot forward and make 1/8 of a turn to your left stepping onto left foot, step right foot forward and make 1/8 of a turn to your left, stepping onto left foot.
Restart here on wall 4.

[17-24] Shuffle forward Right, rock forward left, Recover onto Right, Walk back Left, Right, Left, Touch Right beside Left.
1 & 2Shuffle Forward R, L, R.
3-4Rock forward onto your left foot, recover onto right foot.
5 –8walk back Left, Right, Left, Touch Right beside Left.
Tag and second restart happens here on 5th wall

[25-32] Right scissor step, Left Scissor step, Skate Right, Left, Right, Left.
1&2Step right foot to right side, quickly step left foot beside right and step right foot over left.
3 & 4Step left foot to left side, quickly step right foot beside left and step left foot over right.
5-8Skate in place Right, Left, Right Left. .

First Restart is on wall 4 after the first 16 steps.

Tag /Restart is on wall 5. You will do 24 counts of the dance,
1 – 4Tap your right heel 4 times, while raising your Right arm for a CHEERS (as Sacha says in the song raise up your party glass), and then start the dance again, leaving off the last 8 counts of the dance.