Won't You Dance

Michelle Wright (USA) - October 2020
Dance With Me - Niko Moon

Dance starts on lyrics - * No tags or restarts *

Section 1: R cross rock, recover, R side shuffle, L Cross, full unwind, L side shuffle
1,2 Cross R over L, recover on L
3&4 Step R to R side, step L next to R, Step R to right side
5,6 Cross L over R,full unwind R (weight on R)(12 o clock)
7&8 Step L to L side, Step L next to R, Step L to L side L

Section 2: R forward cross point, L back cross point , weave ¼ , hold, Ball step
1,2 Cross R over L, Point L to L side
3,4 Cross L behind R, Point R to R side
5&6 Step R behind L, ¼ turn L stepping forward L, step forward R (9 o'clock)
7&8 Hold, Step L next to R on ball of L foot, step R forward

Section 3: L Rock, recover, L full turn triple in place ,R Rock recover, ½ shuffle
1,2 step L forward, recover on R
3&4 Full Turn over L shoulder tripling in place, L,R,L
(This can also be a Coaster Step - Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward)
5,6 Step R forward, recover on L
7&8 Step ¼ R to R, ¼ step L next to R, step forward R. (3 o'clock)

Section 4: Rock recover, coaster step, kick ball side, hold ball side
1,2 Step L forward, recover R
3&4 Step back L, step R next to L, Step L forward
5&6 low kick R forward, Step ball of R next to L, Step L to L side
7&8 hold, Step ball of R next to L, Step L to L side

End of dance

Please do not change the step sheet in any way without permission from the Choreographer.
Any questions email Michellelinedance@gmail.com