Do My Thing

Laura Sway (UK) & I.C.E. (ES) - November 2020
Do My Thing - Dita : (2:43)

Intro: 40 counts (approx. 16 secs)

S1: Right Side, Touch, Left Side, Touch, Bump Hips Right x2, Bump Hips Left x2 Clock
1,2Step right to right side, touch left beside right
(click both fingers up high to the right)
3,4Step left to left side, touch right to left
(click both fingers down lower the left)
5,6Bump hips twice to the right side (right hand flicks the dust off your left shoulder)
7,8Bump hips twice to the left (shimmy shoulders twice) 12:00
S2: Right Side, Cross Left, Right Side, Point Left, Grapevine Left, Touch Right
1,2Step right to right side, step left across right
3,4Step right to right side, point left to left side
(clicking both hands to the right side)
5,6Step left to left side, step right behind left
7,8Step left to left side, touch right beside left
(option for counts 5-8: rolling grapevine left with touch) 12:00
S3: K Step With Clicks (Option to bounce the K step to make it more fun)
1,2Step right forward to right diagonal, touch left to right
3,4Step left back to left diagonal, touch right to left
5,6Step right back to right diagonal, touch left to right
7,8Step left forward to left diagonal, touch right to left 12:00
S4: Right Jazz Box ¼ Turn Right, Jump Out Out, Hold, Hip Roll
1,2Step right across left, step back left
3,4Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, step left beside right
&5,6Small step out to right side on right (&), small step out to left side on left, hold
7,8Roll hips anti clockwise (weight ends on left) 3:00
Start Over