Down To One (P)

Easy Intermediate - Pattern Partner Circle
Barb Monroe (USA) & Dave Monroe (USA) - January 2021
Down to One - Luke Bryan

Couples start in tandem (Indian) position facing OLOD with same footwork throughout

Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, ½ turn Shuffle
1-4Rock forward R, recover L, rock R back, recover L
5-6Rock forward R, recover L
7&8Turn ½ turn R shuffling R, L, R (facing ILOD)
(Arms; drop R arms, bring L arm goes over lady's head and reconnect hands at man's waist)

Side rock, Cross Shuffle, 1/4 turn, ½ turn, Shuffle
1-2Rock side L, Recover R
3&4Cross shuffle L R L
5-6Turn ¼ L stepping R (facing RLOD), Turn ½ L stepping L (facing LOD)
(Arms; drop R arms, bring L arm over lady's head then connect R hands in cape position)
7&8Shuffle forward R, L, R

Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Heel & Heel &, Walk, Walk
1-2Walk forward L, Walk forward R
3&4Shuffle forward L R L
5&6&Touch R heel forward, step R beside L, touch L heel forward, step L beside R
7-8Walk forward R, Walk forward L

Cross rock, Recover, ¼ turn shuffle, Cross rock, Recover, Coaster step
1-2Cross rock R over L, Recover L
3&4Turn ¼ turn R shuffling side R L R (facing OLOD)
5-6Cross rock L over R, Recover R
7&8Coaster step L R L

Begin Again

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