Out Of Sight!

Easy Beginner
Georgie Mygrant (USA) - June 2021
Out of Sight - Midland

Intro: 32

Rocking Chair Fwd., touch Fwd, Side and Back, Center, R/L
1-4Step fwd. R, rock back on L, rock back on R, return to L
5-8Touch R fwd. touch R to side, touch R to back, return to R

1-4Step fwd. L, rock back on R, rock back L, return to fwd. R
5-8Touch L fwd. touch L to side, touch L to back, return to L

Vine R, Vine L and Turn ¼ L, Vine R, Vine L,
1-4Step R, L behind R, step R and touch L to R
5-8Step L, R behind L, step L turning ¼ L, touch R to L

1-4Step R, L behind R, step R, touch L to R
5-8Step L, R behind L, step L, touch R to L

Start Over!

Very easy for beginners! A good warm up for class.

Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com