Louisiana Man

Georgie Mygrant (USA) - October 2021
Louisiana Man - Connie Smith : (CD: The Lost Tapes)

Intro: 8 *1 Tag at end of wall 3 for 8 counts (2 Rocking Chairs)

Lock Step Fwd. R/L
1-4Step Fwd. R diagonally, step L to R, Step fwd. R diagonally, touch L to R
5-8Step Fwd. L diagonally, step R to L, step fwd. L diagonally, touch R to L

Lock Step Back diagonally, Vine L Turning ¼ L
1-4Step Back R diagonally, step L to R, step back R diagonally, touch L to R
5-8Step L, R behind L, step L turning ¼ L, touch R to L

Scissors R/L
1-4Step R, step L close to R, Cross R over L and hold
5-8Step L, step R close to L, Cross L over R and hold

Modified Box Step Back
1-4Step R side, step L to R, Step R back, touch L to R
5-8Step L side, step R to L, Step back L, touch R to L

*Tag at end of wall 3
Rocking Chairs, 2x
1-8Step R fwd. rock back on L, rock back on R, return fwd. to L, Repeat once more, then start at beginning of routine

That's it! I hope you like it! mygeo@adamswells.com
Each one of these steps in this routine, The Lock Step Fwd. and back, Vine, Scissors, Box step and Rocking Chairs will be used over and over in different routines you learn along the way, so once you memorize them, it will get easier for you. Happy Dancing! Georgie