Double Back

Fred Whitehouse (IRE), Jean-Pierre Madge (CH) & Tim Johnson (UK) - October 2021
No Plans for Love (with Ne-Yo & Kent Jones) - D-Nice

Count In: Dance begins after 48 counts

[1-8] L slide, step, touch L, touch R, body roll, weave
1 - 2Large step to left side on L (1) Step R next to L (2)
3&4Touch L to left side (3), Step L next to R (&), Angling body to 9:00 touch R behind (4)
5 - 6Over two counts body roll down ending with weight on R (5-6)
7&8Straightening up to 12:00 Step L behind R (7) step R to right side (&) Bending knees to drop level, Cross L over R, (8)
**optional arm movement, on count 8 on walls 2 & 4 raise right hand up with index and middle finger held in a peace sign

[9-16] ¼ R, ½ L, R sailor, walk L, ½ R, ½ L, ½ R
1 -2Making a ¼ turn right step forward on R (1) Making a ½ right step back on L (2)[9:00]
3&4Step R behind L (3) Step L to left side (&) Step R next to L (4)
5-6Step forward on L (5) Making a ½ turn left step back on R (6)[3:00]
7-8Making a ½ turn left step forward on L (7) Making a ½ turn left step back on R (8) [3:00]
**optional styling, on counts 7 - 8 pop knees outwards as you turn.

[17-24] Back L, ball step, forward R, L forward & side &, sweep R, Sweep L
1 -2Over two counts take a large step back on L (1-2)
&3- 4Step R next to L (&) Step forward L (3) Step forward on R (4)
5&6&Rock forward on L (5) recover weight on R (&) Rock L out to left side (6) recover weight on R (&)
7- 8Step back on L sweeping R from front to back (7) Step back on R sweeping L from front to back (8)

[25-32] Back L, Hold, ¼ touch, heel grind, R behind, 1/8 L, camel walks R, L
1-2Step back on L, keeping R in place pop R knee and lift heel (1) Hold (2)
&3-4making ¼ right step forward R (&), touching L toe next to R (3) Step L to left side, heel grind R out to right side (4)[6:00]
5-6Step R behind L (5) making 1/8 Left step forward on L (6)[4.30]
7- 8Step forward on R as you pop left knee (7) step forward on L as you pop right knee (8)

[33- 40] R mambo ½, walk L,R, & behind R, heel bounce ½ turn
1&2Rock forward on R (1) recover weight on L (&) making a ½ turn right, step forward on R (2)[10.30]
3-4Walk forward L (3) walk forward R (4)
&5,6Step forward L (&) lock R behind L (5) making a ¼ turn right bounce heels to the left (6)[1:30]
7-8Making a ¼ turn right, bounce heels to the left (7) making a 1/8 turn right, bounce heels to the left (8)[6:00] (weight ends on R)

[41 -48] Cross rock L, rock R forward, moonwalk back
1-2Cross rock L over R (1) recover weight to R (2)
&3-4Step L to left side (&) rock R forward (3) recover weight to L (4)
5-6(Moonwalk back) Step R toes next to L keeping weight on R, slide L foot back until heel starts to lift (5) Transfer weight to L toes and put R foot flat to the floor, drag R back past L until heel starts to lift (6)
7-8Transfer weight to R toes and put L foot flat to the floor, drag L back past R until heel starts to lift (7) Transfer weight to L toes and put R foot flat to the floor, drag R back past L until heel starts to lift (8)
*Alternative to moonwalk would be to do west coast swing steps moving backwards.
Step back R, fanning L toes out to left side (5) Step back L, fanning R toes out to right side (6) Step back R, fanning L toes out to left side (7) Step back L, fanning R toes out to right side (8)

[49 -56] ¼ R, click, R cross, click, & behind, click, out, out, toes heels
1-2Making a ¼ turn right stepping R to right side (1) reach right arm out to right side and click fingers (2)[9:00]
&3-4Step L to left side (&) cross R over L (3) reach left arm out to left side and click fingers (4)
&5-6Step L to left side (&) Touch R behind L (5) reach both arms out to the side and click both fingers (6)
&7&8Step R out to right side (&) step L out to left side (7) bring both toes into the centre (&) bring both heels into the centre (8)

[57-64] R Dorothy, L Dorothy, ½ turn R, ½ back lock
1-2Step R forward to right diagonal (1) step L behind R (2)
&3-4Step R to right side (&) step L forward to left diagonal (3) step R behind L (4)
&5-6Step L to left side (&) step R forward (5) make a ½ turn left transferring weight to L (6)[3:00]
7&8Making a ½ turn L, step back on R (7) lock L in front of R (&) step back on R (8)[9:00]*

*Restart the dance by making a ¼ turn left on count 1


Last Update - 8 Nov. 2021