Cupid Rock

Absolute Beginner
Carole Daugherty (USA) - February 2022
Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley

Choreography inspired by the Cupid Shuffle

Intro: 16 Counts, begin on vocals

Sec 1 Traveling to Right: Strut R,Cross L, Strut R, Heels Right, Heels Center
1-6Touch Right toes out right (1) Drop Right heel (2) Cross strut Left toes over right ft (3) Drop Left heel (4) Strut Right ft right (5,6)
7,8Swivel Heels right, Swivel heels to center taking weight Right (7,8)

Sec 2 Traveling to Left: Strut L,Cross R, Strut L, Heels Left, Heels Center
1-6Touch Left toes out left (1) Drop Left heel (2) Cross strut Right toes over left ft (3) Drop Right heel (4) Strut Left ft Left (5,6)
7,8Swivel Heels left, Swivel Heels to center taking weight Left (7,8)

Sec 3 Elvis Knees x2, Heel Dig/Kick Step R, L
1,2,3,4Bend Right knee in (1) Step on Right (2) Bend Left knee in (3) Step on Left (4)
5,6,7,8Dig/Kick Right heel fwd (5) Step on Right (6) Dig/Kick Left heel fwd (7) Step on Left (8) [Variations: Kick Step 4x, or mix up Elvis Knees]

Sec 4 Right ft Lead Twist w 1/8 Turn, Left ft Lead Twist w 1/8 Turn
1,2,3,4Twisting forward taking weight onto Right ft, ast turn 1/8th left (1-4)
5,6,7,8Twisting to left, taking weight onto Left, ast turn 1/8th left completing ¼ turn left over 8 counts.

Enjoy Every Dance!