The Texan Rose

Britt Beresik (USA) - April 2022
Yellow Rose - Mauranne & Beverly Jo Scott

#8 count Intro, starts on banjo tinkering
No Tags, 1 Restart on Wall 6 after count 39 facing 12:00

[1-8] Heel & Heel & Step, Twist-Twist; 2 X Hitch-Coaster
1&2&R Heel, Step R next to L, L Heel, Step L next to R
3&4Step R slightly fwd, Twist Heels to right, Twist Heels to left (weight on L)
&5&6Hitch R, Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
&7&8Hitch L, Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L fwd [12:00]

[9-16] Heel & Heel & Shuffle Fwd; ½R Chase Turn, "Gallop" Ball Step Ball Step
1&2&R Heel, Step R next to L, L Heel, Step L next to R
3&4Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
5&6Step L fwd, ½pivot R, Step L fwd [6:00]
&7&8Step R next to L (ball), Step L fwd, Step R next to L (ball), Step L fwd [6:00]

[17-24] Weave, Scissor, HOLD/Clap; Weave, Side Rock, ¼R, Step Fwd, HOLD/Clap
1&2&Step R to side, Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Cross L over R
3&4&Step R to side, Step L next to R, Cross R over L, HOLD/Clap
5&6&Step L to side, Cross R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
7&8&Rock L to side, Recover R with ¼turn R, Step L fwd, HOLD/Clap [9:00]

[25-32] 2X Toe-Hip Bump-Step; Step Fwd, HOLD/Clap, ½L Step, HOLD/Clap; ¼R Step, HOLD/Clap, ½L Step, HOLD/Clap (optional - Claps can be done High-Low style with each turn)
1&2Touch R Toe fwd & Bump R Hip Up, Bump Hip Down, Step on R fwd
3&4Touch L Toe fwd & Bump L Hip Up, Bump Hip Down, Step on L fwd
5&6&Step R fwd, HOLD/Clap, ½turn L with Step L fwd, HOLD/Clap [3:00]
7&8&¼turn R with R Step fwd [6:00], HOLD/Clap, ½turn L with Step L fwd, HOLD/Clap [12:00]

[33-40] Step Side & Sway R- Sway L, Chasse with ¼R; ¼R Step Side & Sway L- Sway R, Chasse
1-2Step R to side with Sway R, Sway L [12:00]
3&4Step R to side, Step L next to R, ¼turn R with Step R fwd [3:00]
5-6¼turn R while Step L to side with a Sway L, Sway R [6:00]
7*&8: Step L to side*, Step R next to L, Step L to side [6:00]

On Counts 33-40, do not turn. Stay facing 12:00 with Sway-Sway Chasse to each side. Pull down on whistle - "whoo whoo", Train Wheel arms: bent at elbows at sides with fists fwd, circle arms forward like a train on the "shhhhhhh"

Created as a dance performance at Heart Of Texas, I wanted a dance that portrayed the heroic Texan lady "roses" in the Old West. Inspiration and dedication goes to the Yellow Rose of Texas dancers!

Britt Beresik with Cross The Line Dancing-Houston