The Other Line

Jo Rosenblatt (AUS) - August 2022
On the Other Line - Luke Combs : (Album: Growin' Up)

Start: 32 Count intro, Weight on left

Walk back RLR, Hitch, Walk Forward LRL, Scuff
1-4Walk back: RLR, Hitch L knee up
5-8Walk forward: LRL, Scuff R beside left

Forward, Touch, Back, Heel, Forward, Touch, Back, Heel
1 2Step R forward, Touch L toe behind right with clap
3 4Step L back, Touch R heel forward with clap
5 6Step R forward, Touch L toe behind right with clap
7 8Step L back, Touch R heel forward with clap

Vine right with Touch, Vine left with ¼ Touch
1-4Step R to right, Step L behind right, Step R to right, Touch L beside right
5 6Step L to left, Step R behind left
7 8Turn ¼ left step L forward, Touch R beside left (9.00) ##

Double Diagonal Forward (Camel), Double Diagonal Back (Reverse Camel)
1 2Step R forward to right diagonal, Step L beside right
3 4Step R forward to right diagonal, Touch L beside right
5 6Step L back on left diagonal, Step R beside left
7 8Step L back on left diagonal, Touch R beside left (straighten up to front)


TAG: End Wall 4, facing 12 o’clock, complete the following:
Double Diagonal Back (Reverse Camel), Double Diagonal Forward (Camel)
1 2Step R back on right diagonal, Step L beside right
3 4Step R back on right diagonal, Touch L beside right
5 6Step L forward on left diagonal, Step R beside left
7 8Step L forward on left diagonal, Touch R beside left (straighten up to front)

RESTART Wall 8: Restart at the front wall after Count 24 ##

Ending: Complete the first 14 counts of Wall 12 and do a ¼ turn left step L to left, Touch R beside left to finish at the front wall.


Free to be copied provided no changes are made to the original choreography.