What You'll Sacrifice

Bradley Mather (USA) - March 2023
Sacrifice - Bebe Rexha

Intro: Start right away on “eyes”.

Hip Roll x2, weave, L rock, recover
1,2step right to right (1), move hips counter clockwise (2)
3,4step left to left (3), move hips clockwise (4)
5&6step right behind left (5), step left to left (&), cross right over left (6)
7,8rock left to left (7), recover onto right (8) (12:00)

Jazz box, rock, recover, shuffle ½
1,2cross left over right (1), step right back (2)
3,4step left to left (3), step right forward (4)
5,6rock left forward (5), recover onto left (6)
7&8step left ¼ L (7), step right next to left (&), step left ¼ L (8) (6:00)

Toe strut x2 angled left, rock, recover, coaster step
1,2place right toe forward angling to L diagonal(1), drop right heel and transfer weight (2)
3,4place left toe forward still angled to L diagonal (3), drop left heel and transfer weight (4)
5,6rock right forward squaring up to 6:00 (5), recover onto left (6)
7&8step right back (7), step left together (&), step right forward (8) (6:00)

V step, rock, recover shuffle ½
1,2step left slightly forward to left (1), step right slightly forward to right (2)
3,4step left to center (3), step right to center (4)
5,6rock forward on left (5), recover onto right (6)
7&8step left ¼ L (7), step right next to left (&), step left ¼ L (8)
*Turn an extra ¼ L on count 1 to begin again (3:00)


Tag After Wall 4
Hip Roll x2
1,2step right to right (1), move hips counter clockwise (2)
3,4step left to left (3), move hips clockwise (4) (12:00)

Contact: bradley@bradleymather.com